Monday, March 18, 2013

Stress: Portrait of a Killer - Review and Random Thoughts

Thoughts and Review

Earlier, I never thought about stress nor about its impacts on a person and its relationship to community until I watched this documentary. Stress is not isolated to human, but it’s a curse and impact of stress is significant in today's human life and generations to come. No doubt we have been changing the surroundings and natural environment for our convenience at very fast pace creating stress and its impact across all other living beings on the earth. I do not know, if any researchers perceived to measure impact of human created environment and its stress on other living beings.

Stress not only impacts physical appearance but also brain, hormones, resulting in health and sleep disorders, early aging/death of memory cells, irregular blood pressure and heartbeats. Finally results in shut down of immune system making one more vulnerable to other diseases. In addition think about today's fast food and processed food we eat every day that fuels our stress levels. And also the medicines and diet drinks that are manipulating body chemistry.....

Recently, I read an article - Studies indicate that most of the children born with health disorder is not because of mother or her health condition, but its mostly because of hormonal  changes in Fathers health. Mostly this kind of trend was observed in father of age group 30 and above. If we think logical with respect to life today makes sense- the time when one is expected to be settled down financially and start family. Thus exposed to different levels and types of stress... 

Today, as we grow old we are more and more vulnerable to increasing stress and types of stresses like Financial stress, Family related stress, Driving /traffic stress, Work related stress, Travel Stress, Competitive Stress, Stress caused my others, differentiation and discrimination stress and what not....

Countries with ancient histories and civilization led a happy life in groups mostly due to sharing and caring...but the fast changing world have been creating nuclear families... resulting in extinction of joint/large families.....indicating collapse of community system.... 

Technological revolutions are great, but every human still today require basic needs like food, clothes and shelter for him and his family to survive. Parents don't have time to look after their kids and its same with kids when they grow-up. Family meals and/ dinner are almost extinct, if by chance family dinners - might not be the perfect one, I m sure kids busy using electronics and parents are watching/reading  on TV /laptop....collapse/ failing family system... Thus in most of the developed and developing countries, market for psychologist and psychiatrist is in great demand. What do they do? After spending $$$, listen to you about your problems and concerns in life ...that are creating stress/unhappiness - leading to suicidal attitudes.... and offers positive approach / counseling to life ... .....

In past, one/two person in a large family used to work full-time and might get stressed sometimes- but when he gets back to home from days' work, rest of the family used to absorb the stress.....But today we have small families with size of  2 to 4 people. If both husband and wife are working and exposed to stress who is going to absorb the stress? And what impact it has on community and future generations to come?

I always used have a question, why women didn't go to work in olden days? I guess, now I have better reason... in olden days, I am certain that elders had better understanding about women, health issues, stress, and her role in family.

In my perception, all religions are about different philosophies to lead happy life and are equally important to understand. In the holy text (Puranas) of Hinduism, it is cited that Lord Siva drank the Halahala poison churned up from the sea (Samudra Manthan) to eliminate its destructive capacity. Shocked by his act, Goddess Parvati (wife of Lord  Siva) strangled his neck and hence managed to stop it in his neck itself and prevent it from spreading all over the universe supposed to be in Shiva's stomach. However the poison was so potent that it changed the color of his neck to blue. My understanding/thoughts about above text - Poisons is referred to "Stress" and irrespective of who you are, everyone will be exposed to stress and have to go through it. Wife's role and importance in managing it....

Across the globe most of the Policy makers or government/s generalizes policies/plans and also crime prevention policies, techniques and procedures to control...... yet it is unfortunate that crime is inevitable. I doubt, if any researcher or government/s across globe have heard to them or at-least perceived these areas as "Special Zones" or "Zones with Special Needs"........ Understand what their needs and what would relieve stress from these communities --- Food, Shelter, Clothes, Education, Job, Health??....In short these areas are needed to be perceived as "Hot Spot for Special Needs /Policy Needs"....

Stress has become such a powerful tool today, even extremist have chosen it as a best weapon to instigate or provoke.... Everyday, we hear a lot about people committing Suicides and Crime at a rapid pace across the cities. Did we ever think, why someone might have considered these approaches? Answers simple the amount of  "STRESS".... Times of India Article - study reveals Suicide may soon be leading cause of death in India... Four of India's southern states — Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnakata and Kerala — that together constitute 22% of the country's population recorded 42% of suicide deaths in men and 40% of self-inflicted fatalities in women in 2010. These kind of studies indicate significant relationship to stress. 

A relationship between human was more of understanding others, but no wonder newer generations had coined it as "Every relationship is a Long term and Short term economic relationship"...So we need to understand and remember that - "I cannot stress others because I am unhappy, frustrated and stressed..." 
If you do stress out others because of your frustration and concerns.. .for no reason you are putting relationship at risk.... if this goes on continuously unnoticed and not taking steps to overcome - you might soon see yourself in social isolation, thus resulting in the starting point for suicidal thoughts...  

In the mad race of life today it is misinterpreted.... irrespective of age and gender- Human activities are getting complex and competitive- measured in economical terms of productivity. As human we have been failing to understand fellow human and also failed to understand the culture and system that was left behind by older generations for us.... What are we giving to future generations - divine chaos life full of stress with peanuts of bank balance(as these days money is changing its value at a rapid pace)???.... Life support on Pills?......... All the nations have all kinds of people, but all are human beings.... None of us can exist in isolation.... Race and Tag for "Superiority" is the cause of all evils....Well, we cannot build the perfect world, but we can at least try and listen to others concerns.... 

In short, none can distinguish Stress among Good vs. Evil, Worker vs. Non worker, Activities vs. Age-groups, Relation vs. Compensation, Rich vs. Poor, Height vs. Weight, Region vs. Religion, Language vs. Color.....We all heard a lot about Stress Management and practice Aide but not actual cure.......
Unfortunately, it is not the same stress tolerance and absorption levels for everyone. So next time, if you are intentional creating stress for someone..... It is as bad as killing someone by inducing slow poison......
"Prevention is better than Cure".... so please think twice ....

Now I understand better about why it was said - "Speech is Silver, Silence is Gold".............

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