Saturday, May 5, 2012

BBC Short Video on Education in India - Recycled Learning System (Awesome)

Superb - Amazing thought turn into implementation
- Motivating and Inspiring.

After watching this video, I guess most of  you will agree - "As we are growing  - we are tending more towards marketing our knowledge and skills"- More often  we hear people discussing about their skills and passion of learning process. Today, there are very less people around the world who would like to share their knowledge or skills with others, but one can notice many are tending towards marketing skills and knowledge.  

--- All this content was from my dream ---

The Dream - All about "Town / Community Doctors" 

In my dream, I had ordered "Onion Dosa" - I went to that restaurant for 2nd time.... I was waiting to pick-up my order and someone from back said - Hi, how r u? I was thinking who this guy was....thinking...thinking but no clue... meantime

Restaurant owner: What do you work on...

Me : Replied him - Transportation Planning

Restaurant owner: "Transportation Planning”? Can I know more about - what does it mean and what kind of work you do in layman terms...

Me : Hmm......well transportation studies, data analysis, surveys etc...

Restaurant owner: Sorry, I did not understand

Me : In my mind - people understand IT, Java, Oracle, SQL, DBA, etc... but how should i explain it.....

Me : Idea struck my Mind. I had asked him - Do you know Doctor and understand what he does right?

Restaurant owner: Yes, but how are they related...

Me: I replied him, Well doctors diagnosis and treat people in communities... and "Planner" - Diagnosis and Treat communities and town.... so you can call us - "Community Doctors"

--- All this content was from my dream ---