Saturday, May 5, 2012

--- All this content was from my dream ---

The Dream - All about "Town / Community Doctors" 

In my dream, I had ordered "Onion Dosa" - I went to that restaurant for 2nd time.... I was waiting to pick-up my order and someone from back said - Hi, how r u? I was thinking who this guy was....thinking...thinking but no clue... meantime

Restaurant owner: What do you work on...

Me : Replied him - Transportation Planning

Restaurant owner: "Transportation Planning”? Can I know more about - what does it mean and what kind of work you do in layman terms...

Me : Hmm......well transportation studies, data analysis, surveys etc...

Restaurant owner: Sorry, I did not understand

Me : In my mind - people understand IT, Java, Oracle, SQL, DBA, etc... but how should i explain it.....

Me : Idea struck my Mind. I had asked him - Do you know Doctor and understand what he does right?

Restaurant owner: Yes, but how are they related...

Me: I replied him, Well doctors diagnosis and treat people in communities... and "Planner" - Diagnosis and Treat communities and town.... so you can call us - "Community Doctors"

--- All this content was from my dream ---

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